
Posted – November 15, 2008

Hello all.

I wanted to take a minute to thank you for all the kind words and attitude this music has been welcomed with.

It makes me happy to see it makes you happy to hear what makes me happy.

Blindoldfreak is just starting to take form. It’s just me and an electric music box (Buchla) for now, and it seems to be working between us.

I am collecting songs and looking into ways to release an album in the near future and play shows in 2009, along with more modwheelmood activity.

I will keep this page updated with nonsense often, so see you here soon.


33 Comments on Update

  1. itsbridj says:

    i promise to come see you if you promise to come to nyc:)

  2. Rowan says:

    Great to hear! I’m sure everyone else appreciates, as much as I do, that you took the time to type this up and let us know!

    Can’t wait to for the album, and it’s good to know that modwheelmood is still going strong.

    Keep doing what you do best!

  3. Erendil88 says:

    All hail the “electric music box”! The Sandro is good too! 😛

  4. derridean says:

    wow, if u are in holland again, you must come and do at least 1 show. I’ll arange it for you if you want and i know when you’ll here. Keep on the great work. I love what you do with the buchla.

  5. Beata says:

    wow, you definitely should play at least 1 show in Poland. Keep on the great work.

  6. amsterdam smith says:

    Cone to Washington DC please?

  7. Ross says:

    Cool, I hope you keep this stuff up, it’s rather good.

  8. orestes says:

    Exciting times ahead! 😀

  9. Michael Malediction says:

    Play it and they will come…

    Keep the great tunes coming.

    I look forward to 2009.

  10. edgar says:

    we are all looking forward to this. thanks for the music man!

  11. Fatalflaw says:

    Great to hear! Can’t wait to hear more from both of these projects!

  12. Kayla says:

    Aweh, yay! Good news!

    Can’t wait to hear some new stuff, and hopefully see you in Portland, OR.

  13. poisonfruitloops says:

    Do a show in Western Australia when you pop by with the nails 😛

  14. Lara says:

    You will always be my inspiration.
    Thanks for the music.

    As for the above comment. Sydney before Perth. Please!!!!!!!!!!

  15. Paulina says:

    Thank you!

    I love nonsense 😛 and please come to Sweden 🙂

  16. synthhead says:

    Thanks for the info – though we like the mystery, too.

  17. Marisa says:

    you want to be a hand model don’t you? that is what this is really about isn’t it?

    i knew it.

  18. Kristin says:

    I just thought you should know.

    I just saw NIN in Grand Rapids Michigan.

    And you were my favorite part.

    Thank you for making my Saturday amazing.

    Please bring modwheelmood to the midwest. PLEASE!!

  19. Francesco says:

    Ciao. Io credo che la tua sensibilità musicale troverà grande espressione attraverso uno strumento come il 200e, col quale è possibile davvero dominare il suono elettronico in ogni sua più tenue sfumatura, completamente controcorrente a quella tendenza generale della musica elettronica all’ “automatizzazione-non-direttamente-accessibile” dal musicista. Discorsi tecnici a parte, ti ammiro molto e sono convinto che pubblicherai opere di grade valore e successo.

  20. rOBERT says:

    come to spokane and i will be there for SURE.

  21. Luis Duran says:

    that box is sexy “drools”, Buchla FTW!

  22. the author says:

    yes yes…. i love this project so much i begining to think it unhealthy, but blindoldfreak is a topic of conversation that constantly comes up when anyone talks to me about music, this is special

  23. AW YEAH says:

    physical release, please!

  24. Filippo says:

    I’ve heard the “songs” that you have put on the blog… very beautiful sound!

    I hope you will come to Italy for some concerts 😀

    ti apettiamo in italia Ale!

    P.S.: probabilmente sono tra i tuoi più giovani ad ascoltarti qui in Itali 🙂 infatti ho solo 14 anni 😀

  25. Filippo says:

    I’ve heard the “songs” that you have put on the blog… very beautiful sound!

    I hope you will come to Italy for some concerts 😀

    ti apettiamo in italia Ale!

    P.S.: probabilmente sono tra i tuoi più giovani ad ascoltarti qui in Italia 🙂 infatti ho solo 14 anni 😀

  26. Joan Cootes says:

    Hello Alessandro!! 🙂 Good to hear everything is going well with you and your music. May I go “off topic” a bit here and wish you a very happy birthday for Sunday 24th May, 33 years old. God Bless You and I hope all your wishes come true.

  27. Joan Cootes says:

    I forgot to mention, it is actually 7.09am, Sunday, 24th May here, I’m writing this from Sydney, Australia.

  28. andreas says:


    your tourbus unit is funny. i find the 259e but the second module i can’t find !?

    please help


  29. andreas says:

    ok 291e found it

  30. Suzanne says:

    由于我完全不同观测,一些专业词汇就看的似懂非懂的。所以想请教一下下面这句话的正确的翻译:”Mass loss from cool giants and sgrepuiants is evidenced by P Cygni profiles in optical spectra, by the 10 μm silicate feature in IR spectra, and by maser line emission from OH and other molecules in radio-frequency spectra.“

  31. That’s not just the best answer. It’s the bestest answer!

  32. stuff says:


  33. 012 says:

    for posterity

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