
Posted – February 20, 2009



my first recording , 1, is out digitally on iTunes and Amazon.

I hope you enjoy it.



Vorrei dedicare questo lavoro a mio nonno, Orazio.

grazie per esserti preso cura di me e della mia famiglia  e per essere stato sempre un punto di riferimento nella mia vita.

mi manchi.


63 Comments on 1myfirst

  1. Aaron (Pct1theory) says:

    It is awesome. Very Trippy (to me at least) and Get more shirts made! I need one.
    I’m sure Horace is very proud of you.

  2. Mr Brightside says:

    I think I’m moving to Edmonton. You should play Edmonton AND Calgary. Just in case.

  3. Rowan says:

    That dedication is incredibly sweet.

    I’ve had a week to let the EP sink in – thanks to a good friend from Canada who bought a copy for me – and all I can say is that it is truly beautiful and I’m excited to hear more from blindoldfreak. Don’t take too long releasing 2, eh, Alessandro?

  4. Killaya says:

    Bought it off of iTunes this morning, as soon as it became available- It’s absolutely amazing, really. I can’t stop listening to it- Pipe One gives me goosebumps. Thank you! 😀

  5. ratexla says:

    also got it this morning. at this point, i think “make friends” sticks out for me. I feel like making a dreary droney video or something. Not about friend-making. 🙂

  6. Asia says:

    You’re the sweetest, cutest, most talented man on earth.

  7. heather utah says:

    oooh totally yoinked.
    delicious way to start a ‘spring break’

  8. Mousart says:

    You rock my socks dude !! 🙂

  9. Drew says:

    Glad to see it’s also on eMusic. I’ll be giving this a couple of listens later tonight.

  10. Donnie says:

    Just got it off of Amazon MP3. :drool:

    Thanks Mr. A!

  11. I got this the MOMENT it became available, at 12:00 AM Eastern time, and I listened to it over and over again. I can’t tell you how much Everything Ends Here [11-14-08] Really REALLY strikes, and moves me. Thank you so much for providing us with something with such depth and emotion.


  12. Yoshata says:

    I’m in the process of purchasing this off of iTunes – thank you. Hopefully I can go to one of your live shows when you have more booked. 🙂

  13. soup says:

    Yo A-

    WHERE DA PARTY AT????????

  14. Lauren says:

    It’s amazing how you take sound and make me feel all the range of emotions in one song. Very moving in so many ways. Thanks. Good work!

  15. Staci says:

    I got this as soon as I saw it was available on the 20th, and I absolutely love it. Great music to just chill out too. Can’t wait to hear more!

  16. Ternt Resner says:

    Excellent music. Beautiful dedication. Love.

  17. Stardust says:

    Mmh. I can’t buy the release on Amazon.com because I’m French and iTunes format doesn’t suit me. What can I do?


  18. Michelle says:

    Stardust – I think they are the only two places you can get them. You can convert itunes songs into mp3 if that’s what you mean by the format not suiting you?

  19. Rowan says:

    Stardust – I’ve heard it’s available on http://www.emusic.com/ but I don’t know for certain as I haven’t got access. Can anyone verify this? Alessandro? It’s a paid membership site so I don’t know how useful it is for you. It might be worth looking into for future music purchases, though, as aside from iTunes and Amazon I don’t really know of any other mainstream places to buy music.

    Michelle is right about being able to convert the songs, though; it will take a bit of determination and a little time spent searching through google but in the end you should find what you need.

  20. perdu sans Christopher says:

    Stardust is the name of a Neil Gaiman book. It’s like a modern fairy tale. It’s one of my favorite books of all time. BTW, go see Coraline in 3D. It just rocks.
    Alessandro rocks too. Great album.

  21. Kane says:

    Hi Alessandro,

    I just listened to ‘Wake Up’ about half an hour or so ago, and was incredibly inspired. I then went ahead and made the piece of electronic music I’m most proud of so far.

    Your work in Modwheelmood, NIN and now blindoldfreak is absolutely amazing. You are a continual source of encouragement and inspiration for me.

    Thank you, very, very much.

  22. guilty says:

    This is the link to ‘1’ on Amazon UK. Perhaps those in Europe might be able to access the site?


    Cut-paste link to your browsers. See if it works or not.

    – – –

    Thank you so much, Alessandro. I see this, your first solo release, as a success. So congratulations are in order. It’s a great work. Sure your family is very proud.


  23. francesco says:

    grande alessandro

  24. Federico says:

    An awesome landscape of sounds and noises !! That’s brilliant , exciting and freaking cool!!!

    stupendo davvero alessandro!!

  25. Stardust says:

    Thanks Michelle, Rowan and Guilty for your response. Unfortunately I can’t buy this on Amazon.co.uk for the same geographical restrictions. Emusic is a good alternative but the membership system isn’t really practical for me at this time. I thought to convert aac (iTunes format) to mp3, but the encodage can often spoil original quality ; it’s for this reason that I want to buy this directly on Amazon. I know, I quibble. =). I finally chose to download it in mp3 via Bittorrent and, obviously, buy it on iTunes for a legal remuneration. It’s really bad that there is no complete distribution alternative for an unsigned artist by major distribution. Thanks again everybody. Alessandro, i enjoy this recording, the ambient of sound landscapes is really captivating ; continuous like that !

  26. Catalina says:

    I just had a question. Why are you not signed?
    Come un raggio di sole hai illuminato la mia vita.
    Amore é gioia, amore é gelosia, amore é soffrire, amore é tenerezza, amore é calore. Amore sei tu!

  27. Michael says:

    Hello there, Allesandro. Bought “1” the other day, and I’m just really enjoying it. I mean I really love it. Hope there is more to come in the future. And I really enjoyed your lecture on the Buchla @ Concordia University, by the way. Your a great inspiration to me.

    – thank you 🙂

  28. Michelle says:

    Stardust – Another way is in itunes you can burn the aac’s to CD and then rip the CD back again but saving the files as mp3. I’m not sure how this affects the quality though and it’s only worth it if you have a rewritable CD (well, unless you want the tracks on a CD). I see you’ve solved your problem (sort of) though but just thought I’d put this down anyway.

  29. Gattobus says:

    Complimenti per il tuo debutto da solista.
    Ho appena finito di ascoltare l’Album… fantastico!
    Ammiro veramente il tuo talento ed il coraggio in ciò che fai.

    Tu sei tutto ciò che io non sono mai stato in grado di essere… ti ammiro sinceramente.

    Spero che tu ti esibisca almeno una volta in Italia…
    …così potrò venire ad ascoltarti e sbavare vergognosamente sul tuo Buchla…


  30. Sylvanna says:

    Your music is so incredible. It literally hypnotizes me.

  31. sage says:

    this is cool…different than what i’m ‘used’ to, and i totally dig it…nice to hear, glad i got it, very nice dedication, thnx.

  32. Polite says:

    Damn…. I have the same problem as Stardust. I live in Australia, can’t buy it from Amazon. Dislike iTunes. eMusic seems dodgy.

    If had a way of offering it to us, it would make me happy. Plus I would know more of the money would be getting to you. Is Reznor willing/able to help you distribute it? The last few albums he released online didn’t go through a third party like amazon. I understand though if you wish to handle things your own way.

    At this point I may have to acquire it and repay you via other means, somehow. Can you set up a paypal donation link on your page maybe? :/

    or maybe i’ll give in to itunes finally… *shudder*


  33. Purchased this a bit ago off amazon, pretty eerie stuff, I’m loving the sound of everything.

  34. Kevin says:

    Any chance of it being picked up by Rogers Wireless network?

  35. eB says:

    Bought the album online, always nice to buy as directly as possible to the artist. I would buy a physical release as well, if there is value added to the packaging. Love the album, looking forward to so much more! Alessandro on the Buchla makes me think of Brian Eno, NIN – Ghosts a little, other electronic ambient influences in my collection certainly. Refreshing to hear electronic performance go in new directions with Mr. Cortini’s unique creativity. YOU have a new, loyal listener here for sure! -=eB=-

  36. Hollyanna says:

    I miss u

  37. Amber says:

    When the world is running down, you keep me going.
    You’re awesome & that’s why I <3 you.

  38. p.h.m. says:


  39. dark days says:

    This is kinda off-topic. I’ve just been listening to your song Going Nowhere all morning. I’m trying to decide what to do about my career because it really is “going nowhere.” It love your vocals. They bring some sort of peace to my turbulent life. Thank you.

  40. Geno says:

    aww what a sweetheart , I bet your grandfather would be very happy that you dedicated this to him..

  41. LoFi says:

    I would like a copy of 1 on vinyl !
    please…. if possible ?

    I just want a nice 160g pressing

  42. Checco says:

    sai che non ci capisco una mazza, maaaa..
    Sempre con te!

  43. Tesla Coils says:

    Great Great Great albom!!!
    Thanks Alessandro!

  44. Ariana says:

    I love you & your music so much. It hurts!

  45. Micaela says:

    Ciao Ale sei diventato famoso Complimenti!!!
    L’ultima volta che ci siamo visti eri biondo con il viso da bimbo. Spero ti vada tutto alla grande. Un bacio da Mic e Marti

  46. lucy says:

    Hi, Alessandro

    It bought it with album itunes the other day.

    It is very noisy, cool,and loves.

    It comes to Japan by all means when there is a chance 🙂

  47. deconstructer says:

    Hi, Alessandro. Thank you for making this awesome album available on emusic.com. I’ve just finished downloading. Grazie!! 🙂

    If anybody is looking for the emusic.com link, here it is …

  48. Jade says:


    Just wanted to say that I absolutely loved modwheelmood’s EPs. You are a fantastic musician and I’ll be sure to pick up “1” soon.

  49. True Fallacy says:

    This album is amazing. Al, you’ve inspired me to save $10 a week until I can build my own modular synth from scratch . . .
    This album is the perfect listen if you like pure, analogue modular synthesizer at it’s fuckin best!! The very last song is my favorite on this release, and I would very much like to see some more releases in the future . . How about the myspace and soundcloud stuff!!!
    Looking forward to making a trip from here (dallas) down to Austin to see MWM . . .

  50. inc says:

    ciao alessandro,
    sto comprando l’album su itunes e cerco ispirazioni per la mia musica come sempre.
    certo che aver un buchla..secondo te li mandano in italia o arrivano stile groviera?
    salutoni, ci vediamo al prossimo concerto dei nin se ci sarai!
    BIG UP for you!

  51. Dall'Agata Cristian says:

    Amazing!!!!!!! And now i got it!!!! Ciao grandissimo speriamo rivederci al più presto Dallax

  52. francesco says:

    beh che stai combinando?? 😉

  53. Manuela says:

    Ciao Alessandro!
    Prima di tutto, auguri anche se in ritardo…
    Seconda cosa, sei veramente bravo! Io adoro SUNDAY MORNING e Mhz… Fantastiche…

  54. Tuscan Rose says:

    Going through a divorce. It is a hard time right now. I might possibly feel better if you or Modwheel would tour here. Thanks.

  55. Dall'Agata Cristian says:

    You Great my friend!!!!

  56. rob_lasat says:

    Spacious and strangely unique sounding.

    Will take time to pick up on all the subtleties, which is a good thing.

  57. Matt Walsh says:

    Hi Alessandro: really liked the “Everything Ends Here” performance last night. I already have the album version; any chance this live version was recorded and will be made available?

  58. great album! everything ends here has changed my life.
    la dedica che hai condiviso ha aiutato anche me a dare un senso ancora più profondo a questa tua opera d’arte.
    grazie Alessandro

  59. stay with me says:

    stay with me…

    1myfirst – blindoldfreak…

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