Tomorrow’s show in Guelph has been canceled and I am afraid it won’t be rescheduled.
I apologize for the late notice…
Tomorrow’s show in Guelph has been canceled and I am afraid it won’t be rescheduled.
I apologize for the late notice…
OH NOES!!! maybe you can come back sometime? I was really looking forward to seeing you live.
oh… I hope everything’s alright with you.. Take some time to rest, you’re doing so much travelling in this tour!
I love you Ally. Please tour here. I love you Ally. Please tour here.
I love you Ally. Please tour here. I love you Ally. Please tour here.
I love you Ally. Please tour here. I love you Ally. Please tour here.
I love you Ally. Please tour here. I love you Ally. Please tour here.
I love you Ally. Please tour here. I love you Ally. Please tour here.
What about a san diego show si? give me a call XD
Oh Noes!
And we were going to jump out of the window-I guess you get to keep your suitcase.
Aw damn. Lame sauce. Come back sometime soon!
‘Way to gate our oscillators v^v^] [—–
See you in TO
Aw too bad, we were looking forward to the show. Good luck with the rest of the tour.
Be sure to have a good supply of t-shirts and CDs with you on Friday, please. Emily will be buying for several of us.
The live stream the other night was wonderful – and so relaxing. Thank you.
I love your music Ally. Thanks for being you.
Can anyone confirm this?
Again, linking doesn’t work so you might have to stick an http:// in front of the link
Quoting BeautyIsAnimate
“Be sure to have a good supply of t-shirts and CDs with you on Friday, please. Emily will be buying for several of us.”
…As long as there are some left in Montreal on Saturday! I need a t-shirt or 2 and 5 cds for people! 😛
Ally, I guess you’re not going back home with that big box!
Quoting the_fragile:
“…As long as there are some left in Montreal on Saturday! I need a t-shirt or 2 and 5 cds for people! 😛 ”
LOL! Emily’s buying for people, too! (Because NIN fans have the best taste in music. Right?) I’m not sure how many of each she has to get though. I just know the total cost is currently $260 Cdn. You’ll have plenty of money to buy brownies and ice cream!
I agree, I don’t think you’ll need to worry about carrying that box home, Alessandro. If you do, it’s going to be a lot lighter than when you started out.
Argh! I have lost all touch with what day it is and what dates are attached to which days!
Okay, everyone get out their White-out and everywhere I typed “Friday” cover it with White-out and change it to Thursday.
Er, yes. I’m the one with the large order to fill–15 CDs and 5 shirts, to be sent to fans who are unable to make it to these shows. I’m just trying to do my part. Driving to Toronto from Michigan for the show; couldn’t be more excited.
I second ana on the san diego show. 😀
Heh. I blew Em’s cover! So, now you know, Alessandro, the woman who buys 15 CDs and 5 shirts from you on THURSDAY (as opposed to Friday) night is EMILY.
Since I can’t give her a hug for picking up a CD for me, would you be kind enough to deliver one in my stead? Thank you.
Ash here Just had to say I enjoyed your show in Stratford, On, a nice quiet small place to enjoy the “Quadro-sound” I also wanna say the CD is great!! can’t wait for more material from you guys!!
best of luck
ps. when your up and running fully have some pics to post!!